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Cодержательная модель региональной социальной политики
Л. Д. Быкова1
1.1Омский государственный университет(Омск);
Дата поступления
Аннотация. This article touches upon some theoretical problems of social policy. It discovers the main provisions of conception of regional social policy. The author analyses the substantial and organizational structure of the sistem of social policy. According to the article the social process is the basic element of the object of social policy. Substantial structure consists of the main directions. And besides, Author provides some information regarding regional aspect of social policy. Present article may be interesting and useful because social aspects of reforms have particular importance at the moment.
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Cодержательная модель региональной социальной политики
Л. Д. Быкова1
1.1Omsk State University(Omsk );
Abstract. This article touches upon some theoretical problems of social policy. It discovers the main provisions of conception of regional social policy. The author analyses the substantial and organizational structure of the sistem of social policy. According to the article the social process is the basic element of the object of social policy. Substantial structure consists of the main directions. And besides, Author provides some information regarding regional aspect of social policy. Present article may be interesting and useful because social aspects of reforms have particular importance at the moment.


Сведения об авторах
Л. Д. Быкова
1.1. кафедра экономики и социологии труда, Омский государственный университет
Адрес для корреспонденции: 644077, Омск, пр. Мира, 55-А
About the authors
Л. Д. Быкова
1.1. кафедра экономики и социологии труда, Omsk State University
Postal address: 644077, Omsk , pr. Mira, 55-A
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