Логические определенности COGITO | |
Вениамин Николаевич Типухин 1 | |
1.1Омский государственный университет | |
Дата поступления 1997.04.28 | Аннотация. The logical definitenesses of Descartes' cogito are investigated, such as cogito ergo sum, non sum ergo non cogito, non cogito ergo non sum, etc. Descartes' cogito is mind abstracted from especialities, being in self, self identity, embodied unity, identity of thought and being. |
Ключевые слова философия | |
Библиография [1] Cartesius. Responsiones ad sec. objectiones adjunctae meditationibus de prima philosophia. P. 74. [2] Schelling F.W.I. Weltalter//Sammtliche Werke. Abt. 1. Bd. 8. Stuttgart-Augsburg, 1961. S. 235. [3] Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. 1960. S. 211. [4] Гегель Г.В.Ф. Наука логики//Соч. Т. V. М.; Л., 1937. С. 573. [5] Nachschrift Paulus. Schelling F.W.I., Philosophie der Offenbarung 1841/42. Frankfurt am Main, 1977. S. 100. [6] Husserl E. Cartesianische Meditationes mid Pariser Vortrage//Husserlisns. Bd. 1. Haag, 1950. S. 3. [7] Федоров Н.Ф. Философия общего дела//Соч. М.,1982. С. 630. | |
Сведения о финансировании и благодарности |
Логические определенности COGITO | |
Вениамин Николаевич Типухин 1 | |
1.1Omsk State University | |
Received 1997.04.28 | Abstract. The logical definitenesses of Descartes' cogito are investigated, such as cogito ergo sum, non sum ergo non cogito, non cogito ergo non sum, etc. Descartes' cogito is mind abstracted from especialities, being in self, self identity, embodied unity, identity of thought and being. |
Keywords philosophy | |
References [1] Cartesius. Responsiones ad sec. objectiones adjunctae meditationibus de prima philosophia. P. 74. [2] Schelling F.W.I. Weltalter//Sammtliche Werke. Abt. 1. Bd. 8. Stuttgart-Augsburg, 1961. S. 235. [3] Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit. 1960. S. 211. [4] Гегель Г.В.Ф. Наука логики//Соч. Т. V. М.; Л., 1937. С. 573. [5] Nachschrift Paulus. Schelling F.W.I., Philosophie der Offenbarung 1841/42. Frankfurt am Main, 1977. S. 100. [6] Husserl E. Cartesianische Meditationes mid Pariser Vortrage//Husserlisns. Bd. 1. Haag, 1950. S. 3. [7] Федоров Н.Ф. Философия общего дела//Соч. М.,1982. С. 630. | |
Acknowledgements |
Сведения об авторах Вениамин Николаевич Типухин 1.1 |
About the authors Вениамин Николаевич Типухин 1.1 |