Философская коллизия рациональной и экзистенциональной форм миропостижения | |
Нина Геннадьевна Зенец 1 | |
1.1Омский государственный педагогический университет | |
Дата поступления 2001.03.31 | Аннотация. In this paper, a problem of creation of existential experience and rational cognition, two forms of comprehension of the world, is discussed. This problem is manifested as a confrontation of classical and modern philosophical traditions, thus revealing their limits. In the classical tradition, the only form of the world comprehension was rational cognition expressed in logic of a concept. Modern tradition introduced experience as a form of comprehension but at the same time denied gnoseology as a science. This problem can be solved by means of creation of a new gnoseology that will include both concept and experience as two sides of philosophic comprehension of the world. |
Ключевые слова философия | |
Библиография [1] Гете И.В. Собр. соч.: В 10 т. Т. 8. М., 1979. [2] Иванов Н.Б. От истории культуры к истории познания // Ленингр. междун. чтения по философии и культуре. Л.: Логос: 1991. Кн. 1. [3] Бергсон А. Творческая эволюция. М.-СПб., 1914. [4] Риккерт Г. Философия жизни (изложение и критика модных течений философии нашего времени). П., 1922. [5] Хайдеггер М. Бытие и время. М., 1997. | |
Сведения о финансировании и благодарности |
Философская коллизия рациональной и экзистенциональной форм миропостижения | |
Нина Геннадьевна Зенец 1 | |
1.1Омский государственный педагогический университет | |
Received 2001.03.31 | Abstract. In this paper, a problem of creation of existential experience and rational cognition, two forms of comprehension of the world, is discussed. This problem is manifested as a confrontation of classical and modern philosophical traditions, thus revealing their limits. In the classical tradition, the only form of the world comprehension was rational cognition expressed in logic of a concept. Modern tradition introduced experience as a form of comprehension but at the same time denied gnoseology as a science. This problem can be solved by means of creation of a new gnoseology that will include both concept and experience as two sides of philosophic comprehension of the world. |
Keywords philosophy | |
References [1] Гете И.В. Собр. соч.: В 10 т. Т. 8. М., 1979. [2] Иванов Н.Б. От истории культуры к истории познания // Ленингр. междун. чтения по философии и культуре. Л.: Логос: 1991. Кн. 1. [3] Бергсон А. Творческая эволюция. М.-СПб., 1914. [4] Риккерт Г. Философия жизни (изложение и критика модных течений философии нашего времени). П., 1922. [5] Хайдеггер М. Бытие и время. М., 1997. | |
Acknowledgements |
Сведения об авторах Нина Геннадьевна Зенец 1.1 |
About the authors Нина Геннадьевна Зенец 1.1 |